Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

ALMBank - Sebuah Patform penjualan Sistem Blokchain

ALMbank adalah platform mata uang berbasis Ethereal yang akan menjadi kolam kerja barter pertama yang didukung; yang berfokus pada startups, ICO, karya amal dan proyek impian. Kami akan dapat mendanai proyek yang tidak dapat disentuh melalui penggunaan ekuitas keringat dan sistem pemaparan proyek berdasarkan meritokrasi. Anda bisa menganggapnya sebagai pasar kerja kelas atas yang akan memiliki dampak budaya yang berarti pada model bisnis masa depan.
ALMBank akan menciptakan sebuah platform di mana orang akan didorong untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan koin dan menghabiskan uang logam, namun sebagian besar sebagai alat untuk produksi dunia nyata, bukan sebagai platform berbasis perdagangan murni. Ini akan menciptakan permintaan yang berkelanjutan untuk sebuah mata uang, yang pada akhirnya dapat didukung oleh dolar / perak, hingga mencapai tiga puluh persen. Dengan demikian menciptakan ekonomi mikro yang stabil / berkelanjutan, berorientasi pada pertumbuhan.

Apa yang Baru di ALMBank?

The ALMBank token pra-penjualan dan crowdsale akan membantu mendanai pengembangan platform, itu pemasaran dan branding. ALMBank akan dikembangkan sebagai platform pertukaran tenaga kerja mutakhir, ALMBank akan menggunakan teknologi kontrak cerdas di blokir Ethereal untuk aman memanfaatkan dana yang disetorkan.
Presale diperlukan untuk mendistribusikan token dan untuk mendapatkan pengembangan produk dan dana kesadaran. Selama presale, token ALM akan dijual dengan harga diskon, sementara akan ditandai selama peluncuran crowdsale dan platform. Ada tutup 99.999.000 sampai jumlah token ALM yang dihasilkan; Namun, jumlah token ALM yang dihasilkan dalam kombinasi crowdsale dan presale akan terdiri dari tidak lebih dari 30% dari total token AALM yang ada.

ALMBank sedang memecahkan cetakan antara laba & nirlaba untuk menciptakan bisnis yang membayar orang untuk menciptakan ekonomi amal swadana. Kami sedang mengembangkan makna dan keberlanjutan untuk komunitas kripto, bersama dengan membangun sebuah toko satu atap bagi siapa saja yang ingin menyewa di dalam kripto.
ALMBank adalah platform kerja / pasar yang menciptakan bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan baru dan budaya amal di dalam komunitas kripto.
Kami mempekerjakan orang dengan mencari pekerjaan yang berarti! Kami menawarkan freelancer tempat untuk menampilkan skillets mereka tanpa biaya. Kami membantu ICO membangun tim tingkat tinggi dan fungsional. Layanan ini mendanai pasar amal kami, yang pertama dari jenisnya di dunia.
Layanan akan mencakup:
  • Pasar kerja terdepan untuk orang-orang cryptopian - pikirkan bahwa Upwork memenuhi LinkedIn namun dengan biaya lebih sedikit. Ini adalah sistem barter dengan transaksi instan. Token kami mudah ditukarkan selama berjam-jam bekerja. Bayar kripto, untuk pekerjaan apa pun yang perlu dilakukan dan tidak perlu lagi mengonversi uang tunai atau bersembunyi dari biaya platform freelancer.
  • ALMBank menyajikan cara yang paling layak untuk merekrut industri terbaik untuk ide baru Anda, ICO atau konsep. Orang bisa dipekerjakan dengan biaya satu kali yang wajar dan bekerja pada hari yang sama. Platform kami akan memiliki kedalaman yang sangat besar untuk para profesional kripto yang bekerja.
  • Kami menyediakan kemampuan untuk mengerjakan proyek amal yang diajukan pengguna yang dibayar oleh sistem amal nirlaba untuk amal kami.
  • Kami menciptakan cara bagi komunitas kripto untuk membangun proyek impian besar, melalui community up-voting. Pemungutan suara ini memastikan bahwa proyek padat naik ke puncak karena hanya anggota yang dapat memilih.
  • Untuk visi jangka panjang, kita akan memiliki daftar proyek impian yang didukung anggota, dimana dana amal kita dapat mendukung satu proyek impian besar per tahun.

ALMBank dibangun di atas prinsip-prinsip meritokrasi pasar bebas. Pikirkan GoFundMe-meet-Kickstarter-meet-Craigslist.
Berikut adalah model visual dari fitur utama platform:
Cara mendapatkan ALMBank token
Cukup klik bagian Pembelian Token di atas atau kirim email untuk pembelian Pre-ICO dan dompet etalida tersedia.  Perlu Di ingat Tolong jangan kirim ETH dari Coinbase, Polinex atau bursa lainnya.
Cara mendaftar
  • Untuk memesan posisi pada daftar pendaftaran pra-peluncuran kami: email presale@almbank.io 
  • Setelah mendaftar, Anda dapat memposting pekerjaan, resume, permintaan amal dan lebih banyak lagi saat kami pergi live.
  • Untuk membeli token Anda harus terlebih dahulu menyiapkan dompet berbasiskan Ethereal berdasarkan pilihan Anda yaitu: MyEtherWallet, EthereumWallet, ShapeShift. Setelah Anda memiliki dompet, silahkan email presale@almbank.io untuk informasi pembelian pre-ico.  Untuk kemitraan bisnis atau informasi investasi yang lebih besar silahkan email business@almbank.io
  • Permintaan amal akan disetujui oleh pemerintah dan dikirim ke masyarakat luas: mereka adalah orang-orang yang dapat memilih untuk menyelesaikan tugas itu sendiri atau mendanainya sehingga orang lain dapat menyelesaikannya.

Dalam waktu dekat dan atas permintaan masyarakat, kami juga akan memperparah kesepakatan ekuitas dan penawaran token-swap untuk proyek kripto ICO dan lainnya. Dengan membantu negosiasi tim, gratis, kami membantu orang-orang dalam memulai proyek amal dan bermakna.
Struktur bonus
  • 1 ETH tidak ada bonus
  • 3 ETH Bonus 5%
  • 10 ETH Bonus 10%
  • 10 ETH Bonus 15%

Jika kita memastikan keamanan investor / masyarakat
Untuk memastikan bahwa platform ALMBank tetap aman, kami akan mempekerjakan penyidik ​​penuh waktu dan administrator komunitas untuk memastikan nama platform kami. Tujuan kami adalah menjaga agar transaksi tetap aman, tidak menyerbu urusan bisnis swasta.
Kita tahu bahwa orang merasa bahwa mereka selalu bisa mengendus penipuan, tapi kita juga akan melakukan peran kita untuk mengamati scammers juga.
Posting Profil
Setelah Anda mengirimkan proyek Anda sendiri, Anda kemudian dapat memposting resume Anda; itu akan memungkinkan Anda untuk dipekerjakan untuk proyek lain. Di pasar ini kita tahu bahwa para profesional sangat diminati, jadi kita akan tetap info profil strategis dan ringkas. Ini membantu perusahaan dan freelancer.
Sebuah token LM akan menjadi mata uang mempekerjakan masa depan kita
Orang yang Membantu Orang
ALMBank sedang dirancang sebagai cara bagi orang untuk membantu orang lain, tanpa membutuhkan apapun selain modal keringat. Anggap saja itu sebagai GoFundme tapi dengan kemampuan orang untuk membayar perbuatan baik alih-alih hanya uang tunai.
Hal ini memungkinkan pemerintah untuk membayar uang kripto, memungkinkan orang melakukan pekerjaan amal berdasarkan sistem meritokrasi yang pada akhirnya akan dipilih oleh masyarakat. Ini juga menawarkan pilihan untuk menggunakan berbagai jenis uang jika keinginan Anda hanya untuk menyumbang secara langsung.
Pada dasarnya, ini adalah mesin ekonomi bertenaga mandiri, menciptakan kebutuhan akan tugas dan kebutuhan seseorang untuk melengkapinya dengan harga yang pantas. Ini akan didesentralisasikan dalam hal prioritas pemungutan suara untuk tugas amal tapi untuk menjaga sifat baik dari situs itu akan dimoderasi juga.
membangun komunitas kripto secara kultural
Pertama, kita akan mengilhami aksi dunia nyata, sesuatu yang langka dalam pemrograman dunia kripto yang berat. Ini mengilhami orang untuk sekali lagi berinteraksi dengan dunia fisik.
Ini berarti Anda dapat membantu tetangga Anda dengan trotoar yang retak meskipun Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang semen, juga tidak memiliki dana di tangan.
Kenapa ini? Nah karena kapan pun Anda ingin membantu seseorang melakukan sesuatu, Anda bisa membiarkan dana masyarakat itu dengan menggunakan ALMBank Tokens.
Dengan membiarkan masyarakat tahu bahwa hal itu perlu dilakukan, ini memungkinkan Anda melakukan perbuatan baik. Ke depan, kami membayangkan seluruh kota melakukan perbaikan / peningkatan dana mandiri dengan menggunakan metode kami.
Pertama dan terpenting, ALMBank membutuhkan orang untuk mengirimkan permintaan untuk usaha amal. Ini bisa jadi apa saja dari menyiapkan bisnis kecil lokal untuk membantu melayani kebutuhan masyarakat atau membantu seseorang mengubah dokumen menjadi jenis file yang lain. Anda menetapkan harga pasar yang wajar (seperti yang ditinjau oleh admin) dan kemudian seseorang kemudian dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan mendapatkan nilai pasar wajar yang ditetapkan oleh masyarakat.
Setelah harga disetujui, tugas selesai, dan pembayaran dibayarkan mingguan melalui rantai blok saat bukti penyelesaian telah dikirim.
Platform Exchange & ICO
Untuk pertanyaan terkait bisnis, Anda bebas menetapkan harga sendiri tanpa gangguan. Admin akan mengawasi porsi amal. Pasar akan menentukan apakah mereka ingin memenuhi permintaan bisnis Anda dengan spekulasi, hanya dengan merit.
Jadi intinya, orang akan saling membayar satu sama lain untuk membantu dunia menciptakan kolam ekuitas keringat untuk penggunaan selanjutnya. Hal yang menakjubkan adalah bahwa itu adalah ekonomi barter besar untuk usaha kecil untuk digunakan.
Katakanlah Anda tahu pemrograman dengan sangat baik, tapi Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang akuntansi. Anda dapat meminta bantuan akuntansi dan memperdagangkan penilaian Anda atas ALMBank Tokens untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Yang Anda lakukan hanyalah mengirim permintaan bantuan, lalu orang lain mengirimkan permintaan bantuan dan Anda berdua dapat memenuhi permintaan masing-masing untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan berdasarkan basis barter / perdagangan.
Alm Token & Crowdsale
1. Token
Nama Alm Token
Simbol AALM
Desimal 18
2. Crowdsale
Crowdsale akan memiliki 2 fase: Pre-ICO dan ICO.
Rincian pra-ICO
Selama Pra-ICO jumlah maksimum 19.999.800 AALM akan dijual. Pembayaran di BTC dan ETH diterima ke alamat:
BTC: 16jebja98Ey8pa6y6ir4kSMqaui9cY5FDb
ETH: 0x6b3c5C503A9987D56395e71FA3cA011D095Ef72d
  • Tanggal mulai pre-ICO: 28 Desember 2017
  • Tanggal akhir pre-ICO: 13 Januari 2018
Harga token yang dibeli selama ICO dengan eter adalah: 1 ETH = 2000 AALM. Harga token yang dibeli dengan BTC akan ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat median ETH / BTC pada tanggal pembelian.
Rincian ICO
Harga tanpa bonus   : 1 ETH = 1000 AALM
Tanggal mulai ICO  : 28 Januari 2018
Tanggal akhir ICO   : 28 Februari 2018
Token yang tersedia (Hard Cap) 99.999.000 AALM (token yang dijual di Pre-ICO termasuk)
Token disediakan untuk Pendiri AALM
  • Februari 2018 Ico Ends dan AlmBank menjadi tradeable di bursa.
  • Februari 2018 Pengembangan platform pasar dimulai.
  • April 2018 Pengujian platform dimulai.
  • Mei 2018 Peluncuran platform beta terjadi.
  • Juni 2018 Peluncuran resmi platform utama Almbank dan platform respons amal Cryptribute's Decentralized.
  • Agustus 2018 Pengembangan aplikasi mobile dimulai.
  • November 2018 Pengujian untuk aplikasi seluler dimulai.
  • Desember 2018 Meluncurkan aplikasi seluler

Informasi Lebih Lanjut Silahkan Kunjungi :

My Bitcointalk username : rezqiano

MediChain - The Medical Big-Data Platform-Saving Lives With Blockchain

This time, its Medichain. Medichain is here with some fantastic services. As usual, before I review Medichain, I will give some background into why Medichain is here, What problem do they solve and how they intend to solve these problems. Just sit back and enjoy this detailed piece.

Medical records are a vital asset in ensuring that hospitals are run effectively and efficiently. They support clinical decision-making, provide evidence of policies and support the hospitals in cases of litigation. Introduction Hospitals deal with the life and health of their patients. Good medical care relies on well-trained doctors and nurses and on high-quality facilities and equipment. Without accurate, comprehensive up-to-date and accessible medical records, medical personnel may not offer the best treatment or may in fact misdiagnose a condition, which can have serious consequences. Associated records, such as X-rays, specimens, drug records and patient registers, must also be well managed if the patient is to be protected. Similarly, good medical records care ensures the hospital’s administration runs smoothly: unneeded records to be transferred or destroyed regularly by keeping storage areas clear and accessible; and key records to be found quickly by saving time and resources.

The medical record is the who, what, why, where, when and how of the patient care during hospitalization. Medical record is the only history of achievement, the only measurement of work being done by the medical and nursing staff, the only record of progress of the patient, and it is the source of information for many purposes.

Medical records are any records that document the pertinent facts of a patient’s life and health history, including past and present illness (es) and treatment(s), written down by the health professionals handling the patient’s care. The records must be compiled in a timely manner and contain sufficient data to identify the patient, support the diagnosis or reasons for the healthcare encounter, justify the treatment, and accurately document the results. As such, they are the visible evidence of the hospital’s clinical activities and accomplishments. It contains sufficient information to identify the patient, support the diagnosis based on history, physical examination and investigations, justify the professional management given, record the course and results thereof, and ensure the continuity of care provided by practitioners and other healthcare workers to that particular patient. Medical records are either in paper form or electronic form.

A paper-based medical record is a systematic collection of patient’s personal information and health history which is documented or written on paper form . Traditionally, active records are usually housed at the clinical site but older records (e.g those of the deceased) are often kept in separate facilities.

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a computerized medium that contains clinical information as recorded in a patient’s record. This is only restricted to clinical information which refers to patient data which includes, for example, diagnoses, allergies, prescriptions, etc. Some EMRs include an additional module, or component, for registering patients’ demographic information.

To sum it up, hospitals keep medical records for a number of reasons, which includes:
  • for communication purposes while caring for the patient
  • for continuity of patient care over the course of the patient’s life
  • for evaluating patient care
  • for medico-legal purposes
  • for use as a source of health statistics
  • for research, education and planning purposes.
  • medical record is compiled primarily to assist physicians and other health care professionals in treating patients.
  • The record contains information on past and present conditions and treatment, family history, diagnosis, progress notes, consultation reports and laboratory tests. It may also include opinions on the condition and care of the patient.The record provides for continuity of patient care and maintenance of an optimal standard of care. Secondary uses for the information contained in the medical record include epidemiologic studies, research, education, remuneration for services rendered and quality assurance.

Now, Having given the basic meaning of medical records, what challenges are encountered while keeping these records
The sensitivity of medical records has brought several challenges to managing institutions. The commonest relates to storage, access, safety and security. Hospitals which use primarily manual based medical records systems experience storage problems. Access to medical records is another challenge that users and custodians face. Sometimes there is conflict on the ownership and the right of access to a patient record. The US Fair Health Information Practice Act of 1997 has tried to reduce this friction by mandating a healthcare provider to allow individuals to examine their medical records and it also has provision for a civil and criminal penalty for failure to abide by this requirement.

The safety and security of medical records is a challenge to personnel in-charge of patient records. There were numerous instances where case notes were not kept in secure conditions. In a number of examples, it would have been easy for unauthorized persons to have had access to case notes either from open libraries or from other uncontrolled areas. Case notes, for instance, were found unattended to in out-patient clinics and were sometimes left in clinic areas overnight because the medical records department had closed. All users of case notes (doctors, nurses, medical secretaries, ward clerks, medical records staff and others) should be aware of the importance of security.

Unattended computer terminals, particularly if left logged on, are another risk as are fax machines and inadequately protected and controlled computer networks The challenges of managing medical records are closely linked to the abuse of patient information. When medical records are not properly managed, without proper security measures, they can be misused, which can lead to possible violations of privacy and confidentiality of medical records. There are several misuse of medical records and the confidentiality of medical records is threatened in many different ways. Most news worthy is the misappropriation and disclosure of medical records for financial gain or to cause harm or embarrassment.

The threat of abuse of medical records manifests, not just in unauthorized users, but in those authorized to access files as well. Often, confidentiality is breached through legally sanctioned activities such as billing procedures conducted from remote locations as well as casual or careless conversations among medical professionals in hospital elevators.

It is also important to note that the misuse of medical information found in medical records is not only manifested in paper-based records, misuse can also occur in electronic based records. Electronic tools such as the Internet, electronic mail, digital imaging and telemedicine are now indispensable for conducting business in the electronic healthcare field and are equally vulnerable. They are vulnerable because the electronic environments allow remote usage of records. In this regard, effective security systems are needed to limit unauthorized access to electronic patient records.

Electronic medical records are being commonly used and provide many benefits. Firstly, an electronic medical record improves the quality of healthcare and access to information. Secondly, it reduces clinical errors often attributed to illegible physician’ handwriting. Electronic medical records may also contribute to cost reduction measures in the management of patient records. Besides, they also improve information sharing by health practitioners thus enhancing communication of patient information.
Despite their benefits, electronic medical records present a number of challenges.
  • They are costly and need a substantial amount of finance in order to set up.
  • Electronic medical records are technical in nature; and demand training before they can be used.
  • They lack standardized terminology and system architecture which render it hard to implement.
  • Some of the challenges of using electronic medical records are security related.Security lapses might compromise the privacy and confidentiality of medical records.
Medical records are important ingredient in the health institutions. However, medical records need proper management through proper storage areas, controlled access and adequate preservation measures to improve efficiency, safety and quality of care. Thus, the reason why MediChain is here.


Medichain gives patients ownership of their own medical data. Medichain is a medical big-data platform. It allows patients to store their own data in a secure way and give access to specialists anywhere regardless of the payer network or EMR (Electronic Medical Record) used.
Medichain is a Medical Big-Data Platform. Our proposed system allows patients to store their own data off-chain in an appropriate geographic domain, and give access to doctors and specialists anywhere, regardless of the payer network or EMR used. Patients, doctors, and hospitals could put data into a compliant cloud which becomes part of the medichain ecosystem and the blockchain stores pointers and rules on usage and anonymity, while the data itself is stored off-chain in a compliant cloud, By improving patient data sharing and availability, and being open to add to any existing system or be managed automatically by doctor or by patient, medichain aims to allow better conditions for all parties, creating a better way of handling patient data than anything available today.
The Problems medicine in any country :
  1. Big spends Money on a year for research.
  2. Medical Errors data are now the 3rd largest cause of death and the coast very high
We have Solution about this problems :
By Using Blockchain Technology MediChain will promote these research breakthroughs and patients opting in and sharing their medical data, they will be able to help people who are suffering from similar health issues. Additionally, sharing medical data will streamline the process of finding cures to the world’s worst diseases.
Advantage of Medichain
  1. The User Member can Take data Anywhere and move it between healthcare provide, specialist, insuresrs.
  2. Keep data safe & anonymised and medical data is very confidential
  3. No cost for patient or doctors, moneestied by paatiens opting to let medical scientist and companies use data for reserch.

Token Holder Benefits

Medichain Utility Tokens (MCU) represent the value of arbitrary patient data blocks. MCU Utility tokens can be purchased via the platform during the tokens sale. Over time this value is adjusted for token availability, different data types, diseases, patient demographics etc., to reflect the buyer’s market.
  • Any/All additional future business transactions on the MediChain Platform
  • Research Program Voting. Get the chance to determine the focus of future research
  • Personal Medical Data Storage and transfer
  • Personal Medical Data Services
  • MCU Discounts

How MediChain will work

Any provider backend and user interface implementations can participate in the system by employing the modular interoperability protocol as defined through our blockchain contracts. Steps 1 and 2 in Figure 2 illustrate our backend implementation of a scenario where a provider adds a record for a new patient. Steps 4 to 6 in Figure 2 continue the use case described above from the patient node perspective. The patient’s modified Ethereum client continuously monitors her SC. Steps 7 to 9 in Figure 2 illustrate how a patient retrieves personal data from the provider node.

Other anticipated MediChain Network Development includes:
1. Diagnostic Tools
2. Related Algorithms
3. Personal Monitoring
4. Academic Medical Studies
5. Insurance Insurance Insurance (SmartCard Integration at this stage is introduced)
6. Integration of EMR (Electronic Medical Records)
7. Telemedicine
8 National Resource

Token Holder Benefits

  1. Institutional Medical Data Services (including Diagnosis)
  2. Medical Research Data Services
  3. Any/All additional future business transactions on the MediChain Platform
  4. Research Program Voting. Get the chance to determine the focus of future research
  5. Personal Medical Data Storage and transfer
  6. Personal Medical Data Services
  7. MCU Discounts
Social Benefit
Population-based de-identified patient data has already produced advances against WHO top ten diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure. Population data lets researchers tackle the big issues in medicine. By patients opting in and sharing their data, they promote the research breakthroughs that can one day improve their own health and help people who are suffering from similar health issues. Where there are commercial interests involved, such as drug development, the same applies, but pharmaceutical companies pay for the data and patients are paid for their contribution
What about emergency access to medical data in MediChain?
In an extended version of MediChain, information that is normally available to doctors in an emergency needs to be readily accessible even if the patient cannot give consent. Access needs to be customer defined with defaults consistent with current practice. It seems likely that most patients’ doctors will have access to the same level of records that they let them have now. Because there are multiple rules, the emergency services will have access to the level that the patient would normally grant them now (e.g. diagnostic levels). Neither of those levels would have mass access to raw data that might be useful to pharma or insurers and if necessary anonymity could be preserved while allowing access to the complete medical record.
What are the use of funds?
The funds are used to develop and promote the MediChain infrastructure and API and carry out the initial population of the chain with data which gives the chain market value. Promotion will be through wearable, desktop and kiosk devices including Apple Healthkit, Healmet Inc and through the Scripps Medical Research Center. A proportion of the development and promotion funds will be used to mature and integrate hardware used with the MediChain system including Smart Card ID systems and IoT devices.
Token Allocation
Total token : 100.000.000 MCU

Token Distribution

Pre-Sale 6,500,000 MCU
6.5% of MediChain tokens MCU will be distributed at presale
Public Main Sale 40,000,000 MCU
40% of MediChain tokens MCU will be sold through the public sale.
Medical Data Growth Fund 10,000,000 MCU
10% of tokens will be reserved for funding actions that add high-value medical data to the ecosystem through funding Research Grants
Partner Fund 15,000,000 MCU
15% of tokens will be reserved for future specialists and future rounds of investment, and distributed among future partners
Advisors 6,500,000
Bounty 4,000,000
1 MCU has a nominal release value of $1 US. All unsold tokens will be burned.

Let’s Join Token Sale

________________-Summary of MediChain ICO-________________

Saving Lives With Blockchain
Figure: How the Tokens are Used
Road Map 2018–2020
Q1 2018
  • General MVP
  • The MedRec system is live and scaled on the rackspace server
  • Research
  • Scientific program, 10+ rolling grant gets high quality data
  • Pharma
  • Outreach program to determine data needs
  • Stakeholders
  • Data stakeholder programs begin to ensure purchase
  • Compliance is complete
  • Research
  • Outreach programs 1–3 grants got the best data
  • Team Growth
  • Boost the world-class talent as needed
  • Talent Search
  • Interesting great talent. Includes hackathons
  • Partner Creation
  • Research and build high-value data
  • Pharma
  • The partnership develops 10–15 companies
Q2 2018
  • Research
  • Scientist Program, 3–5 grants to get high value data
  • EHR / EMR
  • The integration between EMR and MediChain is complete
  • Analysis
  • Analysis of ongoing operational needs
Q3 2018
  • Large data
  • 1TB + Data. Tech upgrade to handle the next petabyte
  • Security
Q3: White hat team and additional tiger
  • Technology
  • Shift to accelerate parallel barriers for different WHO data sets
Q4 2018
  • Large data
  • PB + Data. Tech Upgrade to handle the next exabyte
  • Strategic Review
  • Maximize growth, value and social impact
  • Talent Development
  • Funnel, bring and develop the best talent
Q1 2019
  • Research
  • Scientific program, 5–10 grants get high value data
  • API development
  • Develop APIs for third party integration, promotion and support
  • Data Hackathons
  • Promote high-profile medical hackathons
Q2 2019
  • Pharma
  • The partnership closes with 5–10 companies
  • Partner Creation
  • Research and build high-value data
  • Publication
  • Target for first publication with epidemiology
Q3 2019
  • Standard
  • Establishment of the Medical Blockchain standard group
  • Large data
  • Tech EB + Upgrade to handle the next 10EB
  • Pharma
  • The partnership closes with 1–3 companies
Q4 2019
  • Symposium
  • IT Symposium & Annual Information Science for MediChain
  • Technology
  • Upgrade to version 2.0 for scale and security
  • EHR / EMR
  • The system starts getting patient data to MediChain
Q1 2020
  • Smart card
  • Initiation of the Doctor and Patient Smartcard program
Q2 2020
  • Strategic Review
  • Maximize growth, value and social impact
Q3 2020
  • Large data
  • Data 10EB +. Tech Upgrade to handle the next stage
Q4 2020
  • Symposium
  • Aims to be the leading data provider in the industry
  • Pharma
  • The partnership closes with 10–20 companies

Our Team
A diverse group of individuals brought together by a passion for the positive social potential of blockchain technology.








Our Advisors




For more information visit :

My Bitcointalk username: rezqiano

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018


Everyone is talking about Bitcoin now and how it has raised this year. Those who did not know much about the cryptocurrencies are now more involved and eager to hear and experience more. They also want to invest. We need to focus on how we can make our lives much easier, improve some things, focus on how we can make our lives easier, deal with some issues and deal with some issues. We can not imagine our lives without internet today. There is important information on the Internet that we need in the business world or at home. No less important to note that, over time, people have learned to use them in more and more areas because they have seen their potential and how they can improve our lives and business. Cryptocurrencies are in every corner of our lives that helps us all and makes it an integral part of our everyday lives. Crypto currencies have done something that no one has done yet. People use it in many areas, and the benefits and improvements that they will give will be discussed for many years. Every day many new projects are added.

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) brings a truly decentralized way of digital asset exchange – with on-chain atomic swaps on board. By using built-in hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom attempts to disrupt the way we exchange cryptocurrencies today, giving independence from intermediaries and any centralized entities.
We believe that most cryptocurrency trades should be conducted on-chain in a decentralized way, as per the original Bitcoin’s approach to transacting in a completely trustless environment.
Atomic Swaps (AS), currently implemented via HTLCs on-chain and potentially via Lightning Network (LN) off-chain, bring an ability to swap assets directly between blockchains without any intermediaries involved. This ability is called atomic cross-chain trading, and we propose the Bitcoin Atom’s support for it at its core, by bringing AS API and a set of cross-chain trading utilities into the original Bitcoin core software and forking it into BCA.
Bitcoin Atom’s AS model is expected to bring transparency to digital asset trading, as attempts to churn volume via on-chain atomic swaps will be detectable by passive observers. This means that users cannot show up with a small amount of coins and then create a ton of fake volume covertly.
BCA network is additionally secured by utilizing the so-called hybrid consensus: both PoW and PoS models are put in place, increasing network stability and reducing the power of miners, hence lowering the 51% attack probability. Despite having Proof-of-Stake in addition to Proof-of-Work, Bitcoin Atom is not inflationary in terms of emission as PoS only serves the goal of decentralizing network power. Max supply of BCA remains the same as of the original Bitcoin (21M).
Project's core values: Independence, Decentralization and Transparency.

New project is called Bitcoin Atom. This is a new kind of digital asset exchange with on-chain atomic swaps on board. They create a really decentralized bitcoin. We know that Bitcoin has made revolutionary changes, there are more things to work on and improve. The founders of the Bitcoin Atom project wanted to tackle some of the issues that hit Bitcoin. This is a project with blockchain technology. The project focuses on enabling people to better use the cryptocurrency. In this decentralized system everything is transparent and it will regain the trust in an old system that they have lost. All this is possible with blockchain technology. There are a lot of new projects coming, but are they really delivering something better or not? That’s why Bitcoin Atom is different. We know that transaction fees are too high, transactions are too slow, registrations too, there is no or bad user support. That’s why we need Bitcoin Atom because it’s an elegant solution to our problems. There are far too many users accessing crypto platforms at the same time, more and more users are coming every day and the server can not do everything at once. They slow down all operations on the server. There are just too many new users and requests at once. New users are rejected on some exchanges, but with Bitcoin Atom you do not have this problem. Bitcoin Atom and his team will improve the speed of transactions, which is very important. Many exchanges are still centralized, and that’s not the case in blockchain technology, because it makes no sense. Therefore, this new exchange is different because it is decentralized. Do not worry, you’re safe because you’re using the hybrid model of both Work Certificate (POW) and Pile Proof (POS). If you are already a Bitcoin owner holding their private keys at the moment of branching, you will receive Bitcoin Atom equal to 1 BTC = 1 BCA. It will bring revolutionary things in this area. All this is possible with blockchain technology. The Blockchain platform not only provides authoritative control of information but also fast and accurate transactions.

Bitcoin Atom is a project of people who are very competent. People who succeed with their knowledge and with the help of their people in the team. Teamed with big blockchain developers, marketing agents, SEM experts and more.

Bitcoin Atom is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain with major protocol upgrades that will occur in January (block number TBA). At the predetermined block number the original BTC blockchain will be forked into BCA, and any transactions made since then will be completely separate on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Atom networks. At that moment, Bitcoin Atom will go live on mainnet and become a fully functional cryptocurrency.
All Bitcoin holders who possess their private keys at the moment of the fork (block number TBA) will receive Bitcoin Atom at the rate of 1 BTC = 1 BCA. You need to control your Bitcoin private keys in order to claim and transact Bitcoin Atom.
Subsequently, the BCA team will focus on atomic cross-chain trading toolkit development, as well as integrating the LN model with off-chain swaps into Bitcoin Atom. The roadmap covering these milestones will be published separately.


Scores are called BCA and are specifically made for use in this project. There will be a total of 21 000 000 in circulation. They are distributed by mining, minting and claiming. They use the PoW algorithm SHA256. Look at the picture below to see which stock exchanges you will participate in:
You can participate in marketing campaigns such as social media campaigns, various translations and signature campaigns.
To find out more about this project, read the blog that contains all the information about the project. You can find it here: https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom

Ticker Symbol: BCA
Max Supply: 21 Million
Distribution: Mining, Minting, Claiming
PoW algorithm: SHA256
PoW Block Interval: 10 Minutes
PoS Block Interval: 10 Minutes
Block size (actual): 1M (2-4M)
Difficulty adjustment: 2 Weeks
Avg tx confirmation time: 5 Minutes
Atomic swaps: Yes
Segwit: Yes
Replay protection: Yes
Unique address format: Yes

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) brings a truly decentralized way of digital asset exchange – with on-chain atomic swaps on board. By using built-in hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom attempts to disrupt the way we exchange cryptocurrencies today, giving independence from intermediaries and any centralized entities.
We believe that most cryptocurrency trades should be conducted on-chain in a decentralized way, as per the original Bitcoin’s approach to transacting in a completely trustless environment.
Atomic Swaps (AS), currently implemented via HTLCs on-chain and potentially via Lightning Network (LN) off-chain, bring an ability to swap assets directly between blockchains without any intermediaries involved. This ability is called atomic cross-chain trading, and we propose the Bitcoin Atom’s support for it at its core, by bringing AS API and a set of cross-chain trading utilities into the original Bitcoin core software and forking it into BCA.
All Bitcoin holders who possess their private keys at the moment of the fork (block number TBA) will receive Bitcoin Atom at the rate of 1 BTC = 1 BCA. You need to control your Bitcoin private keys in order to claim and transact Bitcoin Atom.
⚡️Bitcoin Atom (BCA) futures started trading today, January 12, 2018, on Yobit at https://yobit.net/en/trade/BCA/BTC, to be followed soon by Exrates and other exchange partners.
BCA futures are currently trading at approximately 0.1 BTC per 1 BCA, or roughly $1350 at current BTC price.
All BTC holders who possess private keys or store BTC with one of our partners will receive 1:1 Bitcoin Atom (BCA) at the time of the fork (expected at block 505 888).
Bitcoin Atom (BCA) is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with atomic swaps, hybrid consensus and lightning network.

⚡️Bitcoin Atom (BCA) 1:1 Fork Featuring
═ SegWit
═ Atomic Swaps
═ Hybrid Consensus
═ Lightning Network


═ YoBit
═ Exrates
═ More TBA
═ Coinomi
═ Bitcoin Atom
═ MyAtomWallet
═ ESR Wallet
═ More TBA
Join BCA Community: t.me/bitcoinatom 👈

For More Information About Bitcoin Atom Please Visit :


My Bitcointalk username: rezqiano

TrakInvest - World's first virtual social trading platform for equities and cryptocurrencies powered by proprietary AI engine

Right now, the world of cryptokurensi increasingly in the interest of many people. cryptocurrency was born caused by the development of the times to facilitate people transact in the digital world, we know itself is very busy that utilize the world of internet for ease of transactions or other. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world cryptokurensi was born a project that is so promising and also anticipated, its TrackInvest.

We suggest you take advantage of the possibilities of the first social platform in the world, working with the help of crypto currency and unique artificial intelligence.

The fourth industrial revolution should lead to the convergence of physical and cybernetic worlds and digital technologies into a single traditional area. Unfortunately, not all innovations are able to drastically improve trade, because they contradict each other. Their relations are not at all coordinated.

Innovations run counter to the traditional way of managing investments. Therefore, there arises the task of creating a platform in which the advantages of both the conventional method of management and innovation can be combined.


What it is?
Trakinvest is a platform created by experienced professionals in their field. Over a certain period of time, she managed to establish cooperation with the strongest manufacturing corporations in Asia.
This is the idea of a project in which the community itself provides unique trade data, offers ideas, trading with a platform. Trakinvest uses blocking technology, in which TRAK utilities run. Tokens will allow to establish a normal functioning of the reputation system, include ownership of data tokenization, and also allow to issue tokenized certificates.
Next year, Trakinvest will develop a second generation of its own tools and models, through which it will be possible to effectively conduct crowdsourcing. These models are designed taking into account the unique trade data, as well as the behavior of users collected for 3 years of analysis.
Trakinvest provides great opportunities for obtaining important information for investors. The platform provides many unique tools, for example, such as a portfolio.

With the help of Trakinvest you can create a strong unique brand. After all, the project uses to the maximum the possibilities of the media, including the Internet. The project fully positions itself as an "alternative" consultative source regarding investments.
TrakInvest is a virtual social trading platform which is all about “Crowdsourcing of Financial wisdom” and helps in rewarding participants based on performance and insights in its decentralized economy. The platform currently offers 3 major advantages, which are:
1. Giving users the ability of sharing their investment expertise with other members of the network for a fee.
2. Provision of a crowdsourced sentiment, forecasting and prediction tools with the use of innovations in smart contracts, machine learning, NLP and artificial intelligence.
Ensuring a digital certification of programs in online trading.
For more information, users can access and explore the existing platform on www.trakinvest.com
TrakInvest is best set up to put this project into action which already has a record for three strong years having based in Asia and built up about 100,000+ usersthrough its collaboration and partnerships with universities, corporates and governments within the region. Several other features that will be introduced into the platform includes: i.) introducing a virtual trading platform for cryptocurrencies ii.) a crowdsourced next generation sentiment tools for equities and cryptocurrencies. All these preparatory tools have been developed just by using a social trading data and behavior collected within the last three strong years. The aim mainly is to empower the retail investor with all these tools so as to create a level playing field in which the information asymmetry that has been plugged in for years will be removed.
TrakInvestis prepared in having a strong growth simply with the introduction of TRAK Tokens by Q1 2018 to an existing user base, hence, provided with an ability of earning service fees in ETH in exchange for the provision of a real-time trading data and sentiments via TrakInvest’sweb and mobile platforms. On the platform at the application level, the token utilities will include:

1. Tokenized data ownership
2. Tokenized reputation system
3. Tokenized certifications.

However, the laying of solid foundations for the growth of new business models in investment insights and financial transaction technologies rest on the shift from a centralized technical infrastructure to a distributed, ecosystem-enabling platform. With regards to this shift, TrakInvest platform will have to utilize a blockchain technology to create a decentralized peer-to-peer ecosystem that orientates and incentivizes members of such community on performing value added services. In general, the full establishment and continuity of the virtual socio-trading environment depends on the rewards, incentives and insight tools which in a risk-free manner rewards for performance, sharing of investment insights and real-time trading data.

TrakInvest is making plans increase the scalability of the current platform by balancing the blockchain technology while the security and transparency levels is being enhanced. It is backed by a powerful strong tech stack and in which the ecosystem has a strong technical foot holding based on the strength of the Ethereum’s Open Community network. It is also backed by a highly-experienced management team and an advisory board. The global advisory board is mainly comprised of individuals and existing investors with strong global experience and exposure in technology, media, telecommunications, financial services and cryptocurrencies.

What IS TrackInvest ?
The world’s first virtual social trading platform on blockchainwith successful operations across Asia for past 3 years.
Trakinvest, a virtual social trading platform, currently offers users the ability to share their investment expertise with other members of the network for a fee, provides “crowdsourced” sentiment, forecasting and prediction tools using innovations in smart contracts, machine learning, NLP and artificial intelligence, and digital certification programs in online trading.
In 2018, TrakInvest will introduce second-generation “crowdsourced” sentiment tools and sentiment models that use trade and behavior data collected over the past 3 years.

TrakInvest is making plans increase the scalability of the current platform by balancing the blockchain technology while the security and transparency levels is being enhanced. It is backed by a powerful strong tech stack and in which the ecosystem has a strong technical foot holding based on the strength of the Ethereum’s Open Community network. It is also backed by a highly-experienced management team and an advisory board. The global advisory board is mainly comprised of individuals and existing investors with strong global experience and exposure in technology, media, telecommunications, financial services and cryptocurrencies.

Use of Proceeds
TrakInvest ICO is looking to distribute 66 million TRAK tokens denominated in ETH. The proceeds from the ICO will be utilised for product extension and geographical expansion.

About ICO And Token

Token Name : TRAK
Website : www.trakinvest.com
Type of Offer : Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Total Tokens : 155,294,118
Accepted Currencies : Ether (ETH)
ERC20 Token : Yes
Token Main Sale Price : 1ETH = 1093 TRAK/ 1 TRAK Token = 0.000915 ETH
ICO Pre-Sale Dates : 8:00AM; December 16th 2017 (SST) — 8:00PM; January 19th 2018 (SST)
ICO Sale Dates : 8:00AM; January 19th 2018 (SST) — 8:00PM; February 3rd 2018 (SST)
Offering Structure : 66,000,000 tokens available

Tranch 1–11,000,000 tokens : 23.08% discount | 8a.m December 16th — 8p.m December 30th 2017.
Tranch 2–11,000,000 tokens : 15.25% discount | 8p.m December 30th 2017– 8p.m January 9th 2018.
Tranch 3–11,000,000 tokens : 8.42% discount | 8p. January 9th — 8p.m January 19th 2018.

Tranch 4–11,000,000 tokens : 4.31% discount | Starts on 8p.m January 19th 2018.
Tranch 5–11, 000,000 tokens : 2.25% discount | Starts automatically after Tranch 4 ends.
Tranch 6–11,000,000 tokens : 1.09% discount | Starts automatically after Tranch 5 ends.
In the 100% Token allocation, different percentages are distributed to individuals such as; Partnerships and early adopters, Management Team, Board of Advisors, M&A Expansion and BuyBacks, Bounty, Referrals & Community Blog and Pre-Sale & ICO.

e.g. in a token allocation of $100000000, the percentage goes thus:
Partnerships & early adopters: 5% = $5,000,000
Management Team: 23% = $23,000,000
Board of Advisors: 10% = $10,000,000
M&A Expansion and BuyBacks: 15% = $15,000,000
Bounty, Referrals & Community Blog: 5% = $5,000,000
Pre-Sale & ICO: 42% = $42,000,000.

N.B: Discount in each tranch is applicable until the end of the allocated tokens or allocated time being sold out. Any of which comes earlier will be regarded.

TrakInvest AI Engine: Unlocking Market Insights from Heterogenous Social Data.
It is no news that the creation of the Internet and the World Wide Web has resulted in the explosive great growth of online prediction communities and rich social investing datasets e.g. forum discussions, financial news, blogs, social media feeds, telegram channels and so on. The promise of providing accurate measures of investor trust is based on these datasets and makes it possible to evaluate investors not just by their popularity but by their historic performances and recommendations.
TrakInvest AI Engine allows to overcome challenges such as; the scattering of numerous datasets across many different sources, the vast differences of data sources in structure and organization and the generation of data through these sources at a very fast rate. This challenge is overcome by creation of the TrakInvest Knowledge Graph (TKG)- which involves all heterogenous datasets of interest to be viewed in a curated and modified manner. The TrakInvest AI Engine has three key initiatives which includes:

1. TrakInvest Knowledge Graph (TKG)
2. Sentiment Engine
3. Continuous Learning.

In a schematic view, the TrakInvest Knowledge Graph is built by the engine in which is done by automatically all structured and unstructured datasets of interest. After this, the estimation of crowd sentiments is done by the engine over various other components of TKG such as investor sentiments over securities, companies etc. Lastly, using a continuous learning mechanism will help to estimate the predictive power of such sentiments against actual market.

1. TrakInvest Knowledge Graph (TKG):Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are multi-relational graphs which consists of relationships between entities. It came as a result of having a very effective way of extracting and organizing knowledge from large unstructured datasets. Some leading search engines such as Google, Wikipedia and Bing make use of such KGs to improve web search experience. The TKG construction engine scans continuously a set of new sites, social media feeds, online discussion forums etc.to build the TKG. The TKG apparently consist of characters such as investors, analysts, securities, institutions and cryptocurrencies. The following are sub problems TrakInvest’s AI Engine solves to build the TKG:

a. Predicate Scheme Induction
b. Instance Population
c. Overcoming Scarcity using Deep Reinforcement Learning
d. Source Credibility Estimation.
e. Natural Language KG Interference

2. Sentiment Engine: Sentiments are read by TrakInvests sentiment engine from several unstructured text data and such entities and relationships are aggregated over in the TKG. An example is when an analysis recommendation for a particular security which has evolved over time is extracted and stored by the sentiment engine. In this same manner, an estimation of how crowd sentiments over a particular cryptocurrency has changed over time is done by the engine. Therefore, the TrakInvest Knowledge Graph in conjunction with sentiment over its various components helps in providing a holistic overview of such market conditions which covers various entities and stakeholders earlier stated above. Most importantly, it is very necessary to continuously update and expand this graph in order to change the world condition.

3. Continuous Learning:The TI-STOCK score, TI-ANALYST score and TI-TRADER score are known to supplement the TKG and sentiment analysis engine in which each of them provide a time sensitive quantitative metric where stocks, analysts and traders can be ranked. The continuous learning uses State-of-art Network Analysis, Deep Learning over Graphs, and Graph Embedding Techniques to estimate these scores. Computation and updating of these scores can be done with the aid of a continuous learning mechanism. The first step is to parameterize accurately the scores in which the updated parameters are correlated with the predictive power of the corresponding variable against real market signals. In summary, through this learning mechanism, it will be quite possible not only to estimate overall competency of an analyst but also to learn about biases in a data-driven manner.

TrakInvest Token (‘TRAK’ token) is a utility token which is used to perform quite a variety of activities on the platform. The TRAK token demand is driven based on the strong pipeline of existing contracts with leading contracts with leading corporates and universities. As aforementioned, the utility tokens which are used to engage in TrakInvest services are primarily three which are i.) Tokenized data ownership. ii.) Tokenized reputation system iii.) Tokenized certifications.

Token Distribution

Through partnerships with universities, corporates and governments, TrakInvest continues to conduct semimars and workshops in Asia to drive customer acquisition.

It’s one of those rare cases where the token is actually backed up by a platform that makes it spendable in the marketplace. It’s not only a spendable token. It’s an investment as well, growing with the platform in tandem.

  • June 2014. Release of the first version of Trakinvest.
  • October 2016. Launch of the second version of the project and a special mobile application.
  • February 2017. Release of the Trakinvest project in India.
  • April 2017. The Trakinvest Show Grand Finale
  • September 2017. Completion of cooperation with leading Asian corporations and state institutions.
  • November 2017. Launch of 1 set of tools for trading operations.
  • December 2017. Starting the ICO process.
  • January 2018. The end of public sales.
  • September 2018. The full launch of the automatic platform.

Financial technology and product experts. Our collective experience gives us a unique view into the world of virtual trading.


For More Info About Trakinvest Please Visit The Link :

My Bitcointalk username: rezqiano

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